Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Genetic Engineering and Frankenstein

1.  Genetic Engineering is the process of trying to manipulate cells and DNA so that humans can use them to our advantage.
2.  The hope to create replacement organs for people suffering from heart, liver, spinal cord damage, and other health problems.
A way for humans to produce the crucial nutrient in our own body that is found in salmon.
goats that produce the milk of spiders.
3. Genetic Engineering has not been able to solve cancer, make chickens resistant to disease, or create a living person.,, 
4. Ethical risks include, the actual safety of experiments, what, if any limits should be placed on the science, and is it right for humans to “play God”?, 
5. Victor made a promise that he would create glorious life and instead he created a monster.  Then another promise is made between monster and creator.  The promise is broken on Frankenstein’s part, but the monster keeps on his promise and kills Victor's loved ones.  Both also talk about a science that isn’t fully understood but can have enormous results.

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