Over the years there has been arguments over animal cruelty. America isn’t necessarily known for animal cruelty as a nation, over the factor of animal testing for science experiments. However, there are cases of animal cruelty in our country just like every were else and they need to be stopped. Even though America as it turns out has taken many different strides to stop animal cruelty, we still have thousands of pets every year that are beaten neglected and are left for dead. This cruel act is one of the many incidents that stops America from continuing to grow as a nation.
Individuals that fight against the scientific use of animals have to agree that the government has heard the complaints and have made huge strides toward making the US a better place for animals. Most states have put in place personalized police departments who’s sole focus is on the apprehension and persecution of individuals that abuse, neglect, or torture animals. On a federal scale, the government has put laws in place for factories that handle livestock. They have certain restrictions on storage and care of these animals even though they are destined to end up as a meal for some one else. If the government is willing to waist valuable bodies and money then this issue is definitely a major concern that needs to be fixed. This isn't an issue that a select few individuals are against. this is a nationwide problem that the majority of the population wants to punish the individuals that partake in the abuse of animals.
There are stories on television about how animals rebel against their owners and the wild attacks. Humans have to understand that animals are not helpless and even though they were put on this earth for humans benefit, we are designed to co- exist within the world. Animals cannot survive unless humans respect their borders and stop taken their habitats out, and humans can’t survive without animals to provide nutrients for our bodies, though milk, meat, and other items. Mistreatment is the cause of many rebellions. Dogs will bite the hand that feeds them if that hand is also the hand that beats them.
So is animal testing considered cruelty? The debate is that animals were put on this planet for human benefit, and animal testing makes sure that certain medicines will work before it can be used to save humans and they know it wont also harm them. But what happens when a certain medicine is bad and it kills the animal that it is tested on. Many individuals that are against animal cruelty are also on the side of animal testing and suggest alternatives. They suggests further testing of medicine before it reaches animal testing, and once it does reach that step, proper medical care is provide to make sure the animal is cured if possible or doesn’t suffer if death can not be helped. However, this act says that we as humans are willing to trade one life, for the "probability" that we "could" invent a medicine to cure a headache.
Overall the debate over animal cruelty will continue to be a major issue in America for years to come. The government has stepped in and heard the calls of the protesters, but there are individuals that don’t think of animals, as equals and think of them more like an outlet for their anger. Despite this fact, animals have received huge amounts of protection and science animals have received medical care for their troubles. But until we can guarantee animal protection and safety in this great nation, we will never be able to go forward and grow morally. Instead we will start to back track and could even develop habits of other 3rd world countries that we try to bring into the 21 century world.
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